原帖地址: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8d31c0700102wm4n.html
This information is based on data provided by Kenny Stone (DC3-603), George Leach (DC3-754), a search of the Internet and FS2000 manuals.
Numbers are usually stated, as in "Vee One" for V1. Lower case letters, many times shown as a subscript font, are referred to as "sub" as in "Vee sub a" for Va.
V1 - Takeoff Decision Speed - maximum speed during takeoff that will allow the pilot to stop on the remaining runway in case of a rejected (aborted) takeoff.
V2 - Takeoff Safety Speed - Speed at 35 feet AGL assuming engine failure at V1.
Va - Maneuvering Speed - Sometimes referred to as the "speed for maximum control deflection" or the "rough air airspeed." When flying above this speed it is unwise to make full, abrupt application of the primary flight controls and gust-induced loads can exceed the structural design limit.
Vb - Turbulence Penetration Speed - design speed for maximum gust intensity. Developed by the designer as a recommended turbulence penetration speed for an aircraft in severe turbulence
Vbg - Best Power-off Glide Speed - the CAS that provides minimum drag thus a best glide ratio, providing the greatest flight distance available from the potential energy of height.
Vbe - Best Endurance Speed - the CAS that gives the greatest airborne time for fuel aboard, i.e., the least fuel consumption per hour.
Vbr - Best Range Speed - the speed that provides a lift/drag ratio that provides minimum drag and minimum power required and consequently greatest air distance for fuel on board.
Vc - Cruise Speed - the design cruising speed or the optimum cruise speed. Vd - Design Dive Speed - Is usually 1.4 times Vno.
Vg - Best Glide Speed - The speed that will afford the best range for a given altitude without engine power.
Vh - Maximum Level Flight Indicated Speed (CAS) - the maximum using continuous engine power.
Vfe - Maximum Flap Extended Speed - The maximum speed for flight with flaps extended. Indicated by the top end of the White Arc on the Airspeed Indicator. Higher speeds, with flaps down, may result in damage to the flaps or to the extension mechanism
Vle - Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed - For planes with
retractable landing gear, the maximum speed at which the gear can remain extended without damage to gear doors.
Vlo - Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed - For planes with retractable landing gear, the maximum speed at which the landing gear system can be operated (extend or retract).
Vmc - Minimum Control Speed - This is a speed the manufacturer determines based on eight factors specified by the FAA. In general, with gear down and flaps in takeoff position, it is the minimum speed where the pilot can maintain control of the aircraft with the critical engine inoperative.
Vmd - Minimum Descent Speed - The speed that results in the lowest rate of sink in a power-off glide, providing the longest duration of flight from the potential energy of height.
Vmo - Maximum Operating Speed - The speed that must not be exceeded in any flight regime.
Vmu - Minimum Unstick Speed - An indicated speed (CAS) used in take-off conditions where it is advisable to lift off at the lowest possible airspeed to get the tires off the surface, e.g. soft field or wet grass and safely fly in ground effect until Vtoss is attained.
Vne - Never Exceed Speed - The speed, which must not be exceeded in smooth air. The Red Line at the top end of the Airspeed Indicator's Yellow Arc. Vne is set at 90% of Vd to provide a "flutter" margin.
Vno - Maximum Structural Cruise Speed - When cruising at, and below, Vno the aircraft should not be damaged by a 30 feet/second vertical gust. It is indicated by the top end of the Airspeed Indicator's Green Arc. Smooth air only for speeds in the Yellow Arc.
Vr - Rotation Speed - The speed at which the pilot raises the nose up for takeoff.
Vref - Final Approach - A safe speed for final approach and it should be 1.3 times Vso
Vs - Stalling Speed - The minimum steady flight speed obtained in a specific configuration (clean) indicated by the bottom end of the Green Arc on the Airspeed Indicator.
Vs1 - Stalling Speed - Same as Vs, except for a specific configuration.
Vso - Stalling Speed Landing - The minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration. Bottom of the White Arc on the Airspeed Indicator.
Vtoss - Minimum Takeoff Safety Speed - An indicated speed (CAS) chosen to ensure that adequate control will still exist during initial climb after lift off under conditions of turbulence - or even engine failure. After lift off the aircraft should not be allowed to climb away until Vtoss is attained.
Vx - Best Angle Of Climb Speed - The speed that will produce the greatest amount of height over the shortest ground distance using maximum thrust available.
Vxse - Best Angle Of Climb Speed, Single Engine - The same as Vx based on a single engine.
Vy - Best Rate Of Climb Speed - The speed that will produce the most height in the shortest time using maximum power.
Vyse - Best Rate Of Climb Speed, Single Engine - The same as Vy based on a single engine.
·指示空速( Indicated Air Speed )
指示空速又称表速,用符号VI 表示,其读数是修正了仪表误差后,空速表的指示速度。该速度的常用缩写表达式为IAS。
·校正空速(Calibrated Air Speed)
·当量空速(Equivalent Air Speed)
当量空速用符号VE 表示,是校正空速数据经过具体高度的绝热压缩流修正后的空速表读数,其缩写形式用EAS表示。
·真实空速(True Air Speed)
真实空速又称真空速,用符号VT 表示,是表示飞机飞行时相对于周围空气的速度,其缩写形式为TAS。
·地速(Ground Speed)
地速用符号VG 表示,是表示飞机在一种固定的地面坐标系中的飞行速度。
·临界发动机失效速度(Critical Engine Failure Speed)
临界发动机失效速度用符号VEF 表示,是假定临界发动机失效时的速度,用校正空速表示。
·起飞决断速度(Decision Speed)
起飞决断速度又称决断速度,用符号VI 表示,是飞行员能决定中断起飞并保证飞机在跑道限制长度内停下的最大速度。
·抬前轮速度(Rotation Speed)
抬前轮速度用符号VR 表示,是在起飞滑跑中驾驶员开始抬起前轮时的速度,以校正空速表示,抬前轮的速率大约为每秒2.5-3度。
·离地速度(Liftoff Speed)
离地速度用符号VLOF 表示,是飞机离开地面开始腾空瞬间的速度,这表明该瞬间飞机的升力开始大于机重,用校正空速表示。
·最小离地速度(Minimum Unstick Speed)
最小离地速度用符号Vmu 表示,在等于和高于该速度时,在全发工作或一发失效情况下飞机能安全离地并继续起飞,不会出现机尾触地的危险。
·起飞安全速度(Takeoff Safety Speed)
起飞安全速度又称起飞爬升速度(Takeoff Climb Speed),用符号V2 表示,是当飞机在一发失效时达到离地面上空35英尺时应达到的最小爬升速度,以校正空速表示。
·地面最小操纵速度(Minimum Speed for Control on Ground)
·空中最小操纵速度(Minimum Speed for Control in Air)
·全发工作着陆进场期间的最小操纵速度(Minimum Control Speed during Approach and Landing)
·失速速度(Stall Speed)
A.S.M. 为"辅助平衡自动校准仪".
ASM为Assembly的简写,ASM指令的含义为汇编指令(泛指Intel 80X86 CPU中的指令集)。 ASM指令是为编程人员编写程序准备的,编译器将会把ASM指令真正的翻译成机器代码(能控制CPU做出操作的代码)。
ASM至今运用广泛,2015年所有的个人电脑,大型服务器绝大多数使用ASM指令集。 ASM的优点在于指令广泛和丰富,处理大型数据游刃有余,但是缺点也是显而易见的,由于指令的长度不等与指令的复杂,其耗能大,CPU体积也大。 与ASM对立的是ARM, 一种相对ASM指令较少,指令长度相等,耗能低,CPU体积小,运行在ARM处理器上的汇编语言(这种汇编语言常见于智能手机上,主要原因是耗能问题)。
[2019-12-07] Ver. 201912070001
[2019-12-08] Ver. 201912070002
[2019-12-09] Ver.201912090001
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